Custom Coordinates Copper Key Chain

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Custom Coordinates Copper Key Chain

from $25.00

This rustic key chain is the perfect anniversary gift!  Your custom coordinates and date make this personalized accessory a forever keepsake.  The example key chain has been stamped with the words, "Everything changed", but your custom text will look just as beautiful.  The key chain measures 3/4" x 2" and is created using heavy gauge copper.  After your personalization has been stamped, your custom piece will be oxidized, filed, sanded, and textured by hand before being given a brushed finish and final polish!

Need helping finding your custom coordinates?  I would be happy to locate them for you, if you send me a request through the "contact us" link at the top of the page OR you can use to locate your latitude/longitude.

Stamping/Texture Preference:
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